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CSV import, PDF export and more - New in v1.2

John Barker

Importing an existing rundown

Getting your rundown into Rundown Studio has never been easier - now you can grab a copy of an existing rundown in CSV format and import that right into Rundown Studio.

Many tools like Google Docs and Microsoft Excel will allow you to download or export a CSV copy of your document.

Exporting a rundown from Google Sheets
Exporting a rundown from Google Sheets

Grab that CSV and use it to quickly build out your show in Rundown Studio.

Importing a CSV into Rundown Studio
Importing a CSV into Rundown Studio

After uploading the CSV, we take it from there.

With the help of OpenAI’s API, we process the information and format it into a lovely rundown.

Export a PDF of your rundown

Whether you want to take your show offline, or you have that one team member who loves a printed copy - we have you covered.

Our new export PDF function will let you grab your show in a printable format - with all the information laid out clearly.

We even offer a landscape or portrait orientation depending on the complexity of your show.

Exported PDF example
Exported PDF example

Companion and v0 API

Finally you can integrate Rundown Studio with other third-party tools like BitFocus’ Companion and take control of your show.

This will be super handy when you want to assign a button on your Stream Deck to start a rundown or advance to the next cue in a show.

Companion interface with a Start button added
Companion interface with a Start button added

Check out our full API documentation here.

Run live productions in a
familiar interface

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