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19th February 2025
- Date selection on hard start cues.
- PDF updates: Text size, alternating row background colors, clearer borders.
- All clocks and timers take into account your computer’s offset. If the local time is wrong, no worries - we will sync time to our server.
- Active and Next Cue indicators updated for clarity.
- Clearer “What’s new” messages around the app and marketing website to ensure everyone knows when we release updates.
- Fix: Cells in outputs with more than 3 columns will no longer collapse.
- Fix: White text on PDF exports will be converted to black for readability.
- Fix: Error pages updated when sharing links to guests.
- Fix: Event rundowns now properly navigate back to the main event public page.
- Fix: “You already have a subscription” check added on our checkout to ensure you don’t pay twice.
- [2.3.1] Fix: Guests can now duplicate cues from the cue options menu.
17th December 2024
- Next hard start cue floating bar: See the title, over/under and jump straight to your next hard start cue.
- Allow guests to edit multiple columns when sharing a link.
- Rundown Setting for all time displays. Choose between 24h, 12h and 12h without AM/PM.
- Multiple columns can now be shown on any list output.
- “End show” popup added when a show has ran over by more than 1 hour.
- Quickly email a link to any guest.
- Resend team invites to any pending team member.
- Fix: Admins can now remove other admins.
- Fix: Cue title/subtitle no longer collapse to a single line when editing.
- Fix: End time can now be set again (bottom of any rundown).
- [2.2.1] 🔧 Fixes width issue with time and duration cells.
- [2.2.2] 🔧 Fixes an issue with the public API.
- [2.2.3] 🔧 Fixes an issue where deleting your next cue would return an error when trying to advance a rundown.
12th November 2024
- New batch operations on cues (Move, Duplicate, Group etc)
- Event pricing options for 10 and 20 day events.
- 🔧 Improvements to editing of cells when navigating from the dashboard
- [2.1.1] Fix: Cues that are part of a group can be deleting again.
- [2.1.1] Fix: Group joining lines no longer break for tall cues/groups.
24th October 2024
- New timing system with hard/soft start times, gaps/overlaps.
- Auto-scroll toggle to active/deactivate following the show-caller.
- Default new cue set to 0 seconds (previously 10 minutes).
- Sort and filter rundowns within an event.
- Margin and Text Size slider added for the prompter output.
- Fix: Access colour selection when editing cells in the first cue.
- Fix: Cell H1, H2 and H3 reduced in size (previously a little too big).
- Fix: Tab key now works when exiting Title and Subtitle fields.
- Fix: PDFs with no columns selected can now be exported as expected.
- [2.0.1] Fix: Large time of day on output now respects the rundown timezone.
- [2.0.2] Fix: API updates for starting a non-running rundown.
- [2.0.3] Fix: Visual glitch with last 5 seconds indicator (Firefox).
- [2.0.4] Fix: Daylight saving fixes.
- [2.0.5] Fix: Improvements to performance on large rundowns.
- [2.0.5] Visual enhancements to rundowns on the dashboard.
- [2.0.5] Fix: Single output now shows start/end cue times.
- [2.0.6] Fix: Daylight saving fixes on PDF exports.
- [2.0.7] Fix: Column headings now hiding as they should.
- [2.0.8] New: Rundown Settings: Date, Timezone, Active cue highlight color and Logo.
- [2.0.8] Fix: PDF exports fix for some cues that caused an issue.
- [2.0.9] Fix: Add debugging tools on our backend for some edge cases.
20th August 2024
- Archive Events and Rundowns to clean up your dashboard.
- Redesigned PDF exports which closer resemble the Rundown Studio interface.
- New “Solo” pricing plan - perfect for one-person teams and casual users.
- Newsletter subscription during account creation.
- Headings no longer count as cue numbers.
- [1.17.1] Use Inter as default font.
- [1.17.1] Fix colors of rundown status tags.
- [1.17.2] Fix an issue where deleting cues within a group would throw an error.
2nd July 2024
- Self-service cancellation of subscription from within your account.
- Images and files now added to PDF and CSV exports.
- Reworking of outputs for more consistency.
- New toggle options for adding headings and colours to imported rundowns.
- Dropdown lists now scale better on slimmer columns and outputs.
- Large rundowns now load and perform much better.
29th May 2024
- Upload files to Rundown Studio by adding them to any cell on your rundown.
- Invite guests to your entire event with one link. How this works.
- Improved search on the dashboard.
- Custom Companion module with feedback and presets.
25th April 2024
- New Script output for displaying large text on a teleprompter or autocue.
- Fix: Team admins can now edit the team name as expected.
- Fix: Group cues can no longer accidentally be added to other groups.
- Fix: Duplicating a cue within a group will place it directly after the original cue.
12th April 2024
- Improvements to cell editing:
- Improved saving logic.
- Cells are locked when editing to avoid conflicts if multiple people are editing the same cell.
- Keyboard navigation to move around cells with
keyboard shortcuts. - Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 and Paragraph options for text sizes.
- Custom logos added to an event will now show on the rundown outputs in place of the Rundown Studio logo.
- A skipped cue on a rundown will ignore the original duration and be displayed as 0 seconds.
27th March 2024
- Events
- Organize your rundowns into events.
- Add an image that will be used across all rundowns and exports.
- CSV export: Export your rundown in the .CSV format for use with third-party tools.
- Clearer timezone breakdown for each rundown on the dashboard.
- [1.12.1] Allow guests to access rundowns that are part of an event.
13th March 2024
- Timezone support! Choose a timezone for any rundown and all clocks will update to display in that chosen timezone.
- Fix for when two users with different rundowns open could impact each other’s work when updating their own rundown.
- [1.11.1] Fixing a temporary issue where users couldn’t log in or sign up.
- [1.11.2] Fix for an issue while duplicating a rundown.
5th March 2024
- New Outputs with advanced configuration options. Learn how to customize your output here.
- “Are you sure” prompt before deleting a group cue within a rundown.
- Clearer “reveal” and “hide” actions when access the API token.
- Clearer browser title for each page making it easier to know what tabs are open.
- [1.10.1] Fix for single-cue output where the “next” section is hidden when there is no next cue.
20th February 2024
- Improvements to cell text entry and consistency to the saving mechanism after you stop typing.
- Last 5 seconds are now clickable while running a show - Perfect for rehearsing or jumping ahead in time.
- Clearer cue start/end times between each cue.
- API link added to all rundowns for easy referencing of how the API works.
- [1.9.1]: Time inputs on a rundown now display AM/PM clearer.
7th February 2024
- ‘Allow full access’ guest link when sharing your rundown with a third-party guest.
31st January 2024
- Improved navigation for inviting guests, exporting PDFs and generating rundown outputs.
- “End show” option to save all rundown timings.
- Add or Remove time from a currently running cue.
- Clearer explanation of how over/under is calculated.
24th January 2024
- Create groups and sub-cues for better rundown organization and management.
- Choose any custom colour for cue backgrounds on a rundown.
- API socket for advanced use and control of Rundown Studio.
7th November 2023
- Page numbers added to PDF exports.
- New
GET /rundown/{rundownId}
endpoint added for getting basic information of a rundown. - “Clear formatting” button now has a popup description.
- Verification emails are now sent when you visit /verify.
- Wording for CSV import process clarified.
- [1.5.1] Cell changes now sync as expected when multiple users are logged into the same rundown
30th November 2023
- Search and Sort rundowns in your dashboard.
- Onboarding email flow added full of helpful tips and tricks to get the most out of Rundown Studio.
- [1.4.1] Entering
in a text editor when the rundown is running will not work as expected.
23th November 2023
- Duplicating rundowns should now work as expected.
- Text is now selectable on a read-only rundown.
- Improved time rounding for rundowns that are running less than 1 second over/under.
- [1.3.1] Duplicating rundowns will no longer shift column data around.
7th November 2023
- Import CSV and use AI to process the information and format it into a lovely rundown.
- Export a PDF of your rundown to send to client - or even print (if you really have to!).
- v0 API for control via Companion and other third-party tools.
30th August 2023
- Initial public release.